
Betsy Norman is first and foremost a Midwestern mom who bakes for the team and hollers the loudest to fully embarrass her children at their sporting events. Check out the #proudmama hashtag on her Twitter feed for the latest accomplishments of her three thriving spawn. Her day job consists of left brain bookkeeping for a law firm and her husband’s businesses. But Betsy’s dream job lurks in the rare quiet moments when her manic right brain erupts with stories.  And of course, she loves her whoopie. Pies, that is.

Her non-fiction column, Down ‘Write’ Funny, depicting the writing life, has appeared in numerous RWA chapter newsletters across the country. Betsy is a PRO member of RWA, a YARWA and SCBWI member, and currently puts her accounting skills to work by serving on the WisRWA Board as Treasurer. She has also formerly served as the WisRWA Write Touch Conference Chairperson, WisRWA Fab 5 Contest Coordinator, and is the proud recipient of the WisRWA Chapter Service Award.

Please feel free to cruise Betsy’s site and check out her novel blurbs, her blog of family and writing, and frequent shout outs to her Wednesday Night #WIPcracker #Brainstormer group.

Remember: Life is short. Make whoopie.

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